What was the favourite thing you created this year?

Well, while it;s fair to say that 2020 has been nothing like any of us anticipated, one of the gifts for many was finding ourselves with a little more time and space on our hands.What was the favourite thing you created this year?Well for me there were two things: The

“I’m sorry that you are feeling that way”

Photo: This is me age 3, refusing to walk any further. It was sitting on the kitchen bench on the morning of the Monday meltdown and it captured a little of how I was feeling on that day. There is a lot to navigate right now isn’t there? How are

What’s your growth edge?

This post shares a personal story and suggests that every human being on the planet right now, in some shape or form, is facing into their own ‘growth edge’. It invites the reader to reflect on what they are noticing in themselves and others in terms of this personal learning

Is there a burning question in your team? The Flow Game can help.

This blog post introduces readers to a unique individual and team development experience – The Flow Game. The Flow Game gets to the heart of what needs to change in the way the team is operating and in doing so creates clarity, grows connection and grounds action. It is a

Interview (2018) Creating Healthy High Performing Organisations

Interview (2017) Radical Transparent Leadership for Thriving Culture Focused Organisations with Nicola Vague

Leading with Intent – Leadership Flow Program | Melbourne | Starts June 21st

Do you feel like you are out of flow?Do you sense there is a better version of your leadership just out of reach?Are you wrestling with questions that don’t have easy answers?Are you caught in the whirlwind of doing (not being)?Would you benefit from a having some external support to

What is a ‘human’ organisation anyway?

This post includes our vision for the ‘human’ teams and organisations of the future that we need to be designing and creating right now to respond and flourish in a rapidly changing world.  We call these ‘human organisations’. The post includes the characteristics of a human organisation to help you

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