Team Assessment and Development

Beforehand, we felt completely trapped between our own grand visions for impact and change, and what was perceived as the impossible chains imposed by the larger system. In many ways, each of us were like tops spinning out of control, simply moving in different directions, trying to have an impact but with no grounding to do so. 

The values approach has grounded us. It has helped us identify what is within our control and what is not, as well as the most effective places to place our attention to achieve our goals, both as individuals and as a team.

Stemming from this, over the past few months, I’ve seen some major positive changes in the perspectives and behaviours of colleagues. As a team, we now recognise areas to focus on – we also have a common language for thinking about the different pressures, both internally and externally – being more successful in enacting sustainable change”

Peggy Kern, Senior Lecturer, Centre for Positive Psychology, University of Melbourne

Team Assessment & Development 

How do you rate the health of your leadership team?

Do you understand the invisible factors that are impacting your leadership team culture, performance and engagement?

Have you identified and agreed the leadership that is required to lead the organisation to the next level?

Have you unlocked the sustained performance available through bringing a sharp focus to the individual and collective development of your leaders? Or is change needed? Does the health and performance of your leadership team need to improve but is it in the too hard basket?

Our approach to Team Development is underpinned by the Get Connected Framework which focuses on the three areas that need focus and attention to grow a healthy, aligned and high performing team – Connect to ME, Connect to US and Connect to OUR REALITY and LEARNING. These assessment and development programs are designed to meet your specific needs.

Areas of focus may include:

  • Leadership Assessments and Coaching Programs leveraging the The Leadership Circle Profile to grow the leadership capability and capacity required to lead the organisation;
  • Team Culture Assessments and Development Programs using the Barrett Culture Model to surface the invisible factors that are impacting performance and engagement to increase leadership effectiveness and ignite broader organisational cultural transformation;
  • Taking stock of where the team is currently at and creating a future vision that re-engages, inspires and refocuses the team through defining what success ‘looks like’. This includes establishing a team operating platform that clearly articulates ‘how’ the team will lead together.

Schedule a call with Nicola to discuss your specific requirements.