#2 What I’ve discovered about self-leadership

Self-Leadership Series 1  – # 2 What I’ve discovered about self-leadership

This post shares some of what I have learned about self-leadership along the way and how it is the foundation for both our wellbeing and making our greatest contribution.

I did not ever set out on a deliberate path to explore and understand self-leadership but alas that’s what much of my personal growing and learning has specifically been about. It has also become, the central focus of much of the leadership development work with my clients.

What I write and share here is the sense-making and clarity about what I have discovered about self- leadership derived from over a decade of intense personal and professional learning and have now practised for many years. I share it here in case what I have learned may act as a signpost or inspiration for wherever you are on your own self-leadership journey. I also share it because when we are consciously practicing self-leadership, by default, we take caring of ourselves, each other, and our precious planet. Is there anything more important than that right now?

What I have discovered about self-leadership

Some of what I have discovered along the way about self-leadership is that:

  • We are each responsible for our own evolution and growth. Period;
  • Learning about ourselves and growing our effectiveness is a lifelong process that takes focus, commitment, and a choosing in each moment, where we focus our attention;
  • Establishing routines and habits that support our ongoing personal learning and wellbeing is vital;
  • Unless we are intentional about our own personal learning and development, life will continue to drive us rather than enabling us to shape our own reality;
  • When we grow and evolve, we light the path for others; and
  • If we want to play our part in contributing to the health of our families, communities, friendships, and the planet then self -leadership is non- negotiable.

My commitment to my own self-leadership is a way of life now as essential as eating, sleeping and breathing. It is never a ‘set and forget’. It requires ongoing attention and conscious action and what that entails in any day or week, morphs and changes as I do.

I know now that there is no destination point to arrive at. Just an invitation to ‘be’ in life as consciously as possible and to discover and leverage our vast and wondrous internal resources (they are waiting patiently for us to call them into action)!

It is only through activating self- leadership that we get closer to the truth of who we are and from that place be truly in service of our greatest contribution.

Wherever you are in life and on your self-leadership journey, this series is as an invitation to gently and courageously move a little closer towards self.

The third post in this series will explore why self-leadership matters.

This post is an excerpt from my draft book Activating Self Leadership.

Photo Credit: Bree Hughes 2022 (Taken on a trip to Mt Field National Park with Bree to see the Turning of the Fagus)

New – Self Leadership Blog Series – Starts 28th July 2022

It’s been a while since I put pen to paper and shared new material. The reality is that I have been moving slowly and quietly in the background working with great clients delivering leadership development programs. I have also been allowing myself space and time for self-care and reset.

During lockdown of 20/21 I drafted a book on self-leadership. I am so glad that I did. At the time, I was rushing to publish it – ‘willing it’ across the line – driven perhaps by the ego part of self that wanted to be an ‘author’ and feeling like that was the next step on my professional journey.

A trusted confidante, at the time, gave me feedback that was hard to hear at the time-  the book wasn’t there yet – it needed simplifying. I was shattered- it had been such a labour of love for many months and this wasn’t what the outcome that the ego part of self wanted.

Fortunately, within a few days, I was able to see what a gift this ‘pause’ in the process was. What became clear to me was that not only was there more work to be done on the writing side, but that in my mission to get it published and out into the world, I was not practicing or embodying the very messages that were the foundation of this book on self-leadership. The book needed to pause and most importantly I needed to pause.

Eighteen months or so later, I am so grateful to have put these 40,000 words or so on paper. It has enabled me to capture and share many aspects of my own self leadership journey which by its very nature has been insightful and healing. At a professional level, the writing process has enabled much of my own sense making about self-leadership and positively informs my coaching and leadership development practice.

At this stage, I have no intention of publishing the book. I have decided however, that it doesn’t need to be in a book format for me to share aspects of it with you. So, over the coming weeks and months that’s exactly what I will be doing – sharing excerpts from the book in a series of weekly posts.

In the Self Leadership Series- Part 1, I will share where my own self-leadership journey began and the sense making that I have made along the way about self-leadership. We will look at what self-leadership is, why it matters and introduce the three keys that can be used as a guide to bring greater levels of consciousness to our own self-leadership practice.

I hope you can join me!

With love and gratitude,

Nicola x

What was the favourite thing you created this year?

Well, while it;s fair to say that 2020 has been nothing like any of us anticipated, one of the gifts for many was finding ourselves with a little more time and space on our hands.

What was the favourite thing you created this year?

Well for me there were two things: The expanded vegetable patch to now include passionfruit, kiwi fruit and more silver beet and celery than the kids would ideally like; and, the writing of a little book about what I’ve discovered about self- leadership derived from over a decade of personal and professional learning and practice.

As it turns out – both creative projects continue to be works in progress – as I battle with the birds and the possums and slugs, while also enjoying the flowers on the strawberries and tomatoes in the vegetable patch; and, simultaneously re-shaping and renaming of my little book – thanks to a dear friend and colleague who helped me to see a better way forward. I am forever indebted to the creative process with its insights and blocks and lumps and bumps until clarity finally beckons!
I can’t wait to share my little book with you in 2021.

What is clear to you now?

One of the gifts that can also come from tough times, is that we get clearer on what matters to us most and if we listen to that we can make more conscious choices about where we want to put our precious time and energy. Does that resonate for you in any way from your experience of 2020?

During this year, for me, it became even more apparent that we all have a responsibility to listen to that little voice inside of us that is saying ‘something needs to change’; to explore and connect with self around this ‘invitation’; and to take conscious action. Rinse, repeat. This is the practice of self-leadership.

Some of what I have also ‘crystalized’ this year about self-leadership is that;

– We are responsible for our own evolution and growth. Period.

– Learning about ourselves and growing our effectiveness as leaders is a lifelong process that takes focus, commitment, and a clear intention.

– Unless we carve out space to do our own personal learning, life will continue to drive us rather than enabling us to shape our own reality.

Building on all of that, what is super clear to me now is that the number 1 focus of my work in 2021 is bringing The Practice of Self-Leadership to a wider audience. This is work that we all have to do – irrespective of whether we are in a leadership role or not.

The Practice of Self Leadership will be made available to a wider audience in 2021 through:

–          6-month individual coaching programs commencing in February 2021  (I’m opening up six new places only –  get in touch soon if one of those is for you),

–          Self as Leader – Leadership Development Program – (in house) Continuing to facilitate our 3-month core leadership program 

–          Self as Leader – Leadership Development Program – (public program) – Dates for 2021 will be posted soon (via remote learning)

The good thing is that it wherever you are in the country (or in the world) The Practice of Self-Leadership – individual coaching and leadership development program can come to you. Please get in touch to register your interest or to find out more.

A moment to pause…

Conscious leadership is not possible without carving out – literally quarantining space to reflect, reset and do our self-work and there is no better time to do this than at the end of this year of 2020! So grab a piece of paper (or audio or video record it on your phone if that’s your thing) and take a few moments to reflect on these questions:

Fill in the blank: This year, I feel proud of myself because ___________.

Which six ‘feeling’ words describe your experience of 2020?

What was the favourite thing you created this year? (a project, a fabulous meal, a garden, space for you….)

Can you remember a time in 2020 when you thought you couldn’t do something (“This is too hard, I’m overwhelmed, I can’t do this”), but then you surprised yourself and you did it?

What is something you want to leave behind in 2020 and not carry into 2021?

What’s your intention for the festive /holiday season?  (I wish to experience…….)

Take a big breath out …. you deserve it

A special thanks to the wonderful leaders I have had the privilege of supporting in 2020.  It’s been a massive year. To those of you in the world still in the thick of the pandemic sending love and healing to you.

To my fellow Victorians well done – we did it. Sending love and light for the festive season wherever you are.

See you in 2021.

With love

Nicola x

Is there a burning question in your team? The Flow Game can help.

This blog post introduces readers to a unique individual and team development experience – The Flow Game. The Flow Game gets to the heart of what needs to change in the way the team is operating and in doing so creates clarity, grows connection and grounds action. It is a powerful process for leadership and team evolution as it provides a much-needed space for reflection, expression and connection.

Where did the Flow Game originate?

The Flow Game (www.flowgame.net) has its origins in Denmark back in the 1990’s and is now being played across the globe for individuals and teams as a way of finding clarity together. There are eight stewards of the game across the globe, including three of the original founders (Vanguards) – Toke Paludan Møller, Monica Nissen and Jan Hein Nielsen.

I have been extremely fortunate to be a student of the Flow Game for several years now, and have reaped the rewards both personally and professionally that come with this practice. In 2019, I was formally accredited as a Flow Game host and this coincided with the release of the Team Deck of cards. Since then,  the Flow Game has become an integral part of my leadership & team development toolkit.

Why you might ask?

Because quite simply put – The Flow Game surfaces what really needs to change (based on the collective question of the group), creates alignment and before people have even left the room many of the internal barriers to change are no longer there. A new lease of energy, connection and grounded action is available for the team. This is cultural change and leadership in action.

What is the Flow Game?

The Flow Game isn’t a conversational game as you might expect– it is more about reflecting and sharing and listening without the need to interrupt or judge or fix or justify or explain.   The process helps us to slow down and fall into our true nature and helps us to learn a very different way of being together and interacting in a conscious way. From that place new awareness and insight is surfaced and the action that we need to take becomes clear. The flow game in its essence helps individuals, teams and groups to:

  • Create clarity
  • Grow connection (self, others & to vision, values purpose), and
  • Define and agree action
  • Create (desired) change

The Seven different perspectives in the flow game

1.Blue River of the EAST – Vision

The creative and visionary side of leadership and seeing the big picture

2.Yellow River of the SOUTH – Community

The ability to empathize, connect, inspire, engage, align and attune

3.Green River of the WEST – Action

The ability to bring vision into meaningful action and ‘get things done’

4.Red River of the NORTH (Red) – Courage

Having the courage to walk new paths, break new ground, lead the way

In addition to the four rivers – dimensions or directions of our personal leadership there are two more aspects to consider:

5. Above (Heaven) – heaven speaks to our highest aspirations and powers that are greater than we are.

6.Below (Earth) – earth below is our ground, the foundation we stand on. It gives us a sense of reality and demands our presence here and now.

7.My/Our Question/Intention –The focus or intention is formulated as a question, which sits in the centre of the game. Together we then explore and illuminate the intention/s from the other six perspectives of the game.

Source: www.flowgame.net

Three Versions

There are three different card decks that are used for different purposes:

  • Personal,
  • Team &
  • Family/community

Within that context, there are multiple possibilities for the way the game can be played as it can be designed around an individual or group intention (question) or a combination of both.

As a flow host community, we are constantly evolving and exploring new ways to design and host the game for varying contexts and needs.

A Burning Question

The flow game is a process – and it’s a powerful one but it is important to note that it’s not the panacea for every presenting issue or challenge. The important thing is that the individual/s or team has a burning question that they are seeking clarity on and that the invitation to, and the design of the game is set up in a way that honors the people, the process and the situation/question.

The need and intent and the membership of the group first must be clear and we then design the game around that.

Different Applications

Three of the ways that The Flow game is currently being used in a business and community context are:

1. Team Development

When working with an intact team, a great place to start is with a shared/collective question or intention. This is where the Team Cards are used.  This may progress to a round using the Personal Cards however in this context – a generic question would be applied for each member of the team. For example, “given what we now know about the team, what does that mean me? “would be applied generally. The design will of course depend on the need, intent and membership of the group.

2. Leadership Development

Depending on the need, intent and membership of the group (for example it is often easier to be vulnerable with people we don’t know than with people we do know) ,the flow game can be integrated into an existing Leadership Development Program at the start of the shared learning journey, midway during the experience or as a way of integrating and coming to closure and grounded action at the end of a Leadership Development Program.  Team, Personal and Family/Community Cards can all be applied in this context.

In today’s hectic world at a time when it is so easy to fall into the trap of being overwhelmed by feelings of “busy and important”, the Flow Game offers the essential time required to reflect and do the important deep-thinking essential for conscious choice and action – Participant

3. Cultural Evolution

The flow game is a powerful way to create clarity and alignment at an individual and collective level and this is where it fits to support and enable cultural evolution. In one specific application, it is being used in the implementation of the cultural change journey. Stage 1 was one was about defining purpose, vision, values and strategy and stage 2 is about bringing that to life.  The Flow game is being leveraged as part of the team and leadership development journey with the collective question: Given our overall direction, “What is our responsibility to bring this to life?. It is also being used with the leaders of this change to create clarity and alignment around leading this change.

How many people can play?

The flow game is typically played with 2-8 players – however that too can be flexible. For example, it can be utilized in an executive coaching session with one person all the way through to a conference with many people.  It is possible to have multiple games being played concurrently and has been done with great success in many settings.

While there are many different applications of The Flow Game, the essence of what it delivers at both an individual and team level remains the same:

  • Clarity
  • Connection
  • Action
  • Change

It is from this place that we can live, lead and be together consciously and create healthy high-performing teams.

Evolving Leaders was established in 2014 with the purpose of evolving the consciousness of leaders to make the world a better place. The Flow Game is a powerful partner in this work. We are greatly indebted to the founders of the game and the international flow host community that continues to evolve this practice.

Interested in a Team Flow experience? Please get in touch.

I choose to let go – Why we need space to reflect

This post highlights the importance of space and time to reflect away from the ‘noise’ of life to refocus on what matters so that we can see different perspectives, shift energy and beliefs that are stagnant and move forward with a clear and healthy intention that can restore connection.

This week I am working remotely from Bright in north-east Victoria. It’s become the space that I take to regroup, reflect and refocus a few times a year. I never really know what is going to surface at these times but have learned to just create space and get out of my own way. What surfaced on day one this week took me a little by surprise.

But first – a little of the back story so it makes sense.

A month ago my eldest daughter (age 19) announced that she was heading overseas on a solo adventure for seven – s-e-v-e-n – months to Japan and South East Asia then finishing in India and Nepal. I have witnessed Amelia working three jobs to save the funds for her adventure along with the clarity and conviction in her decision to defer from her second year of university. I have also known for some months that the trip was coming. But her intention had been to travel with a friend – the whole ‘travelling alone’ thing was new. And it really sent me into a spin. In fact, I went into a whole fear-based reaction that left me with nightmares about abduction in Japan. I had broken sleep, waking up asking myself ‘Is this really happening, or did I dream it?’ I was generally motionless and speechless for a day or two as I tried to process the news.

From Fear to Courage

Over the days that followed, I started to move beyond my own fear-based reaction. I was able to step a little more off the dancefloor and up to the balcony and a broader perspective. I was then able to see and be present with the extraordinary courage of this amazing young woman. Here I was a short jog away from 50 and I have never done anything as seemingly courageous as this. My broader perspective helped me to re-frame a number of beliefs and stories that were much more useful:

  • If anyone’s got what this takes, she does. She’s street smart, savvy and quick to think and act when she needs to.
  • She always attracts amazing people into her life. She knows how to have fun and have deep honest conversations and connection with people so interesting people are always drawn to her.
  • From the moment she was born, she has always been well and truly looking out into this wondrous world – this is just who she is. She has work to do in the world and this is the natural next step – into the world.
  • If life is not a daring adventure – then what is it?
  • She’s ready to step away from home – and if we’re honest with ourselves, we’re ready for her to take that step away from home too. (We’re a bit over being treated like a hotel and in many ways, this is payback time – as I recall doing exactly the same with my mum.)

Secretly (or perhaps not so secretly now) there is also a part of me that would love to head out into the world just as she is, into an adventure into the unknown…

Roll forward to yesterday – day one in this next week of space in Bright.

I had been feeling something was stuck energetically in me all day long and I was getting frustrated because I should be working/ writing/ planning/ thinking … doing something! Then inspiration struck me. What was needed was a walk by the river with the dog, revealing in the present moment through the dog’s pure joy as she chased the ducks (no hope of catching them) and fetched sticks along the Ovens River.

Perhaps you have had a similar experience too? Trying so hard to ‘do’ and needing to make a decision just to ‘be’? I surprise myself at how often I fall into this same trap.

The Realisation

As I sat on the riverside listening to the birds and watching the water flowing over the rocks, I was struck by something in relation to my daughter. It was time to make a choice – a choice to let go. I hadn’t explicitly been thinking about her travel that day but clearly it was right there not too far from the surface, waiting to be revealed when I finally found the space to reflect.

‘“To let go means to let be. When we let be with compassion – things come and go on their own’

Jack Kornfield

Emotion rose and tears rolled down my cheeks as this energy that had been ‘stuck’ started to move through me – the realisation that that I had been emotionally holding on to my ‘baby girl’ for too long now.

I spent the next hours journaling and reflecting on what it meant as a mother to ‘let go’ with compassion and to ‘let be’. I also called on Google for some parenting advice and came across the following statement: ‘The most productive relationship for adult children is for them taking primary responsibility for their lives and parents acting as their consultants’. Okay. Yep. Well, that makes sense – I could certainly transition to that, if that’s what Amelia needs.

Change and Transition

In my work supporting leaders to navigate change in organisations I have often spoken about ‘change’ being the external act – the decision to go overseas, the leaving home, etc. in this situation. But then equally I bring focus onto the transition that change brings – that is the internal emotional changes that must happen through the cycle of emotions to arrive at acceptance. I could now see that clearly Amelia and I (and the whole family in fact) were in the midst of an important life transition.

‘Space’ Creates Insight

I’m not in the habit of always sharing personal stories on this blog however I share this story as a great example of the need to carve out pockets of space in our lives and/or moments to take a balcony perspective. Unless we do that, it can be difficult to see what is right under our nose.

Had I stayed in Melbourne this week, I would still be ‘holding on’, not seeing that it’s high time to let this gorgeous, creative, amazing, strong, self-focussed angel spread her wings.

Being a big fan of the healing power of ritual, right there by the river yesterday I carefully chose three healthy green gum leaves. As a I released them into the free-flowing water of the Ovens, from deep within the core of my being and surrounded with so much love I spoke these words:

 “I choose to let you go.”

And I did.

Are you needing some space in your life right now to give yourself permission to do some inner processing?  Schedule a conversation with Nicola to discuss how Leadership Coaching or our new Coaching Program – Cultivating Well for senior women can work for you or the people in your organisation.

In my next post I will explore why the practice of reflection is a leadership ‘super power’ and how to build it into your own leadership rhythm.

This post was orginally published in 2018

Leading with Intent – Introductory Flow Experience – Event

Book Here

Date: 17th May 2019 12pm-5pm

Location: Melbourne CBD

Investment: $250 ex GST

Your co-hosts: Hamish Riddell www.hamishriddell.com and Nicola Vague www.evolvingleaders.com.au 

We would love to invite you to a different and powerful development experience. This is the last introductory experience to be offered this year.

This is an introductory session to our Leading with Intent Program leveraging The Flow Game.

We have been personally and professionally benefiting from The Flow Game and we want to share this with other leaders so that you too may get the benefit of this unique experience.

In fact, we believe in the process so much, we are offering a 100% money back guarantee if you do not get personal benefit from this experience we will be happy to refund you!

The flow game is a unique experience where a group of people come together to each gain deep clarity on a question that matters to them.  Designed for leaders the game is custom made for each participant. Over the course of 4.5 hours, questions combined with joint reflection and a sharing of knowledge and experiences among the players help reignite “flow”. The game is designed to inspire your reflection, thinking and courage.  Read more...

Leading with Intent – Introductory Flow Experience – Event

Book Here

Dates: 29th March 2019 12pm-5pm

Location: Melbourne CBD

Investment: $250 ex GST

Your co-hosts: Hamish Riddell www.hamishriddell.com and Nicola Vague www.evolvingleaders.com.au 

We would love to invite you to a different and powerful development experience. 

This is an introductory session to our Leading with Intent Program leveraging The Flow Game. We have been personally and professionally benefiting from The Flow Game and we want to share this with other leaders so that you too may get the benefit of this unique experience.

In fact, we believe in the process so much, we are offering a 100% money back guarantee if you do not get personal benefit from this experience we will be happy to refund you!

The flow game is a unique experience where a group of people come together to each gain deep clarity on a question that matters to them.  Designed for leaders the game is custom made for each participant. Over the course of 4.5 hours, questions combined with joint reflection and a sharing of knowledge and experiences among the players help reignite “flow”. The game is designed to inspire your reflection, thinking and courage.  Read more...

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