New – Self Leadership Blog Series – Starts 28th July 2022

It’s been a while since I put pen to paper and shared new material. The reality is that I have been moving slowly and quietly in the background working with great clients delivering leadership development programs. I have also been allowing myself space and time for self-care and reset.

During lockdown of 20/21 I drafted a book on self-leadership. I am so glad that I did. At the time, I was rushing to publish it – ‘willing it’ across the line – driven perhaps by the ego part of self that wanted to be an ‘author’ and feeling like that was the next step on my professional journey.

A trusted confidante, at the time, gave me feedback that was hard to hear at the time-  the book wasn’t there yet – it needed simplifying. I was shattered- it had been such a labour of love for many months and this wasn’t what the outcome that the ego part of self wanted.

Fortunately, within a few days, I was able to see what a gift this ‘pause’ in the process was. What became clear to me was that not only was there more work to be done on the writing side, but that in my mission to get it published and out into the world, I was not practicing or embodying the very messages that were the foundation of this book on self-leadership. The book needed to pause and most importantly I needed to pause.

Eighteen months or so later, I am so grateful to have put these 40,000 words or so on paper. It has enabled me to capture and share many aspects of my own self leadership journey which by its very nature has been insightful and healing. At a professional level, the writing process has enabled much of my own sense making about self-leadership and positively informs my coaching and leadership development practice.

At this stage, I have no intention of publishing the book. I have decided however, that it doesn’t need to be in a book format for me to share aspects of it with you. So, over the coming weeks and months that’s exactly what I will be doing – sharing excerpts from the book in a series of weekly posts.

In the Self Leadership Series- Part 1, I will share where my own self-leadership journey began and the sense making that I have made along the way about self-leadership. We will look at what self-leadership is, why it matters and introduce the three keys that can be used as a guide to bring greater levels of consciousness to our own self-leadership practice.

I hope you can join me!

With love and gratitude,

Nicola x

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