Get Connected – An Approach to Building Team & Organisational Culture

There are four fundamental areas that you need to invest time in and connect to, in order to build the foundation for a solid, shared and successful high performing team /organisational culture:

Connect to ME

Connect to  US

Connect to  OUR REALITY & 

Connect to  OUR LEARNING.

Our Get Connected approach to building team culture is a learning process designed to ignite new awareness about ‘who we are’ and ‘how we show up’ and to bring to the surface the visible and invisible factors driving engagement and performance. This process is deeply transformational as we delve into what is occurring below the surface and uncover the assumptions that are held about the impact of the different dynamics across the eco system and on individual and organisational performance and well-being.

To read more about the application of this model please refer to the following blog posts:

Get Connected: its the key to cultural change Part 1 – Connect to ME

Get Connected: its the key to cultural change Part 2 – Connect to US

Get Connected: its the key to cultural change Part 3 – Connect to OUR REALITY, Connect to OUR LEARNING


Adapted from Barrett Values Centre “Get Connected” Model